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March Marches On

As March marches on and we finalize details on our coming events of the season, let’s take a look back at our last three programs.


After a virtual November event, our Holiday Luncheon was back in person. We were feeling festive at The Inne at Swarthmore as we were greeted by the holiday sounds of The Philadelphia Freedom Chorus.

David Uosikkinen, our guest speaker, a drummer and founding member of The Hooters, shared stories of his 40-year career drumming with The Hooters; his experiences working in web development, marketing, and podcasting; and his newest band, David Uosikkinen’s In The Pocket. The band focuses on awareness of music education and pays homage to great Philadelphia music.

Our annual fundraising Holiday Gift Basket Raffle offered artwork, college swag, cheer, books, music, and more. Proceeds from the raffle will help fund our Press Club Annual Award for Excellence in Communications. This award offers financial assistance to a student majoring in communications at one of ten Delaware County colleges and universities.

To cap off the festivities, a chubby guy in a red suit popped in for some networking! Ho, Ho, Ho!


A spike in COVID-19 cases led us to cancel our Sports Legends of Delaware County Museum Tour and Indoor Tailgate. We hope to reschedule this event in our 2022-2023 season.


Following on the heels of our Holiday Luncheon, our traditional Lunar New Year Celebration took us back live to Margaret Kuo’s new location at The Promenade at Granite Run. Margaret, her husband Warren, and son Mark, offered guests an array of their traditional Chinese delicacies. The Press Club honored this community-minded family with a plaque as a token of our appreciation for their ongoing support of the Club.

Our special guest, FOX29 "Good Day’s" Sue Serio, shared her personal story By The Numbers to the delight of the sold-out room. Jim and Betty Lou May, local costumers, presented Sue with an Italian version of their famous Eagles Championship hat. Wrapping up the event, Damon Feldman, founder of Official Celebrity Boxing, presented Sue with an Honorary Boxing Championship belt.

The Board hopes you are enjoying the season! We look forward to presenting more great events this spring. Stay in touch at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and information on Club happenings.

Warm regards,

Andrea DiFabio, Press Club President

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